This is a short, 3-minute overview of our day in Arches National Park, located in Moab, UT. It has over 2000 natural stone arches, with the more famous formations easily accessible throughout the park with only short walks from parking. Others require longer hikes and even some off-road driving. We found an “unofficial” alternate entrance via a country dirt road through some National Forest and BLM lands. With a little planning, you can completely avoid the crowds and long wait at the main entrance!

Arches National Park //S1Ep9

Links and Resources

Arches National Park


America the Beautiful Pass
For $80, this annual pass provides free admission to more than 2,000 federal recreation areas across the country for a driver and all passengers in a personal vehicle. Considering most fee areas are around $35 each, it will save you a tremendous amount if you plan to visit more than two areas in a twelve-month period.